Scott Nicolay

Ana Kai Tangata

Author: Scott Nicolay (page 4 of 25)

TOD 036 The Outer Dark Symposium 2018, Part 2: A Dark Matter Panel & Readings by John C. Foster and Philip Fracassi

In this podcast The Outer Dark presents the second installment of The Outer Dark Symposium on the Greater Weird 2018 including  ‘A Dark Matter’ panel, moderated by Sumiko Saulson and featuring Mark BodeCody GoodfellowJohn C. FosterAnya Martin, and Paul Mavrides, plus Readings by John C. Foster and Philip FracassiThese segments were recorded live on Saturday March 24 at the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California.  Find out more and listen here.

TOD 035 The Outer Dark Symposium 2018, Part 1: The House on the Borderlands/La Frontera Panel + Readings by David Bowles and John Claude Smith

In this podcast The Outer Dark presents the first installment of The Outer Dark Symposium on the Greater Weird 2018 including  The House on the Borderlands/La Frontera” Panel, moderated by David Bowles and featuring Rios de la LuzCraig Laurance GidneySilvia Moreno-GarciaScott Nicolay, and Tiffany Scandal, plus Readings by David Bowles and John Claude SmithThese segments were recorded live on Saturday March 24 at the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California. The podcast also includes all-new exclusive News from The Weird with Max Booth III and Lori Michelle from Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing. Find out more and listen here.

TOD 034 The Outer Dark Symposium 2018 Friday Night Readings Presented by WordHorde Featuring Rios de la Luz, Michael Griffin, Scott R Jones, Tiffany Scandal, and Ross E. Lockhart

In this podcast The Outer Dark Symposium on the Greater Weird 2018 kicks off with Friday Night Readings Presented by Word Horde featuring Rios de la LuzMichael GriffinScott R Jones,  and Tiffany Scandal. This episode was recorded live on Friday March 23, 2018 at The Plaza Suites Santa Clara. The podcast also includes an introductory interview with Word Horde Publisher/Editor Ross E. Lockhart. Find out more and listen here.

TOD 033 Josh Malerman: With an Invisible Drummer by His Side

In this podcast Scott Nicolay interviews Josh Malerman, author of Goblin and Unbury Carol (coming April 10, 2018). Plus Simon Berman of Strix Publishing and an update on The Outer Dark Symposium on the Greater Weird 2018 with Anya Martin. Find out more and listen here.

TOD 032 THEY REMAIN: A Special Presentation on the New Film

In this podcast Scott Nicolay goes behind the lens of They Remain, adapted from the story ‘–30–‘ by Laird Barron, with Director/Screenwriter Philip Gelatt, Cinematographer Sean Kirby, and Artist Jeanne D’Angelo. Plus special guest Bill Campbell of Rosarium Publishing on Sunspot Jungle and  an update on The Outer Dark Symposium on the Greater Weird 2018. Find out more and listen here.

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